Letter from Sally Dixon to William Horvath of Western Pennsylvania Hospital (12/11/1970)

December 11, 1970
Mr. Bill Horvath Community Relations West Penn Hospital 4800 Friendship Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. 15224
Dear Mr. Horvath:
Film maker Stan Brakhage was here in September for the Museum of Arts Independent Film-Makers Series and made a film on the Pittsburgh Police at that time. He expressed great interest in doing a film on hospitals also, if this could be made possible. He would like the freedom to film whatever seems pertinent to him during a period of approximately a week, with the understanding that the hospital may see the film before it is released.
He will not be filming with any particular editorial point of view but will rather let the content of the film reveal itself as events unfold, the objective but feeling eye-!
A week during February would be most satisfactory and we will work out a specific time as soon as we have an O.K. from you.
This is a marvelous opportunity for him, and for Pittsburgh, which is rapidly coming to be known among the film makers as The city providing the freedom and opportunity in which the artist can create.
I'm delighted that we can play such a part, and trust that it will be anrewarding experience for all concerned.
Thank you so very much for your help and cooperation.
Most Sincerely;
Sally F. Dixon (Mrs.) Coordinator of Films
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