Letter from Sally Dixon to Larry Gottheim
Larry Gottheim
Route 2
Binghamton, New York Dear Larry Gottheim:
We would very much like to have you come to Pittsburgh for an evening screening and discussion of your films on Wednesday, March 19 if that is agreeable with you*
We pay an honararium of $500, out of which must come your travel and hotel expenses. I offer you a simple room at my house if you would like, which would help oonserve expenses.
In addition we have a workshop that you may use While you are here (description enclosed). Or if you wish to film anything in the city for which you would need special permission, let meknow and I can clear it before you arrive. (For instance, Brakhage neede the police, a hospital, and the morgue, etc. )•
If you would like to stay a few days and teach a workshop of some sort just send me a description and we will set it up on our end.
Consider these possibilities, Larry, and let me hear from you.
I look forward to hearing from you and to meeting you eventually.
Sincerely yours,
Sally F. Dixon Curator, Film Section
SFD:jr enclosure