Letter from Sally Dixon to Peter Kubelka (10/22/1970)

Museum of Art
Carnegie Institute 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (412) 621-7300
October 22, 1970
Mr. Peter Kubelka Anthology Cinema 425 Lafayette Street New York, N. Y. 10003
Dear Mr. Kubelka,
So many thanks for your promptness with the pictures, I really appreciate it.
The poster is in the works using the time sequence print, and I trust will be quite handsome.
To confirm our phone conversation; our budget allows $500. total out of which must come transportation and lodging the remainder going to you.
I have enclosed your plane ticket for November 17, leaving N.Y.C. at 10:15 A.M.. The return trip I have left open, you can book as you choose now, or we can do it when you arrive here in Pittsburgh.
It was really a pleasure to read the material you sent, also your complete interview by Jonas in Sitneys new book!
We look forward eagerly;to having you in Pittsburgh, I'm so glad it has worked out.
Most sincerely
Sally F. Dixon (Mrs.) Coordinator of Films
Leon Anthony Arkus director
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