September 28, 1973 Dear Sally: I was so glad when you called. I think I was beginning to get very melancolic and tuned inward. Right before you called I was thinking of an old lady I had seen in the grocery store. She didn't have enough to buy a little bag of gum drops and it was so sad the way she kept fingering them so longingly. I was thinking of giving her the money to get them, but it didn’t seem like that would really help her and might even hurt more than help, since her problem wasn't lack of candy but lack of money and a sure source of it. I couln't get the image of her out of my head and it and others like it made me ache inside and the whole world seemed very hopeless. And so you called and all of the energy contained in your voice brought me back into the living again. I wish you were nearer in space so that we could meet more often, but it is good to know that you are there in Pittsburgh. The Passing Center is about to get launched. I am working on a brief description to send to magazines and Film Library Quarterly will mention it in their next issue. While Jonas was in London he mentioned it to the filmmakers at the festival and they thought it was a good idea, too. So already it is organically coming into being and I am feel ing more and more like a gardener who tends it and waters it while it takes shape and becomes itself. I am also working on a letter to send to filmmakers and another one to xxxx send to users telling them about it. Thanks for sending me the travel sheet. I noticed you have Woody and Steina Vasulka on it. They are so me of my favorite people. Last year I wrote an article on them which I am sending to you. If they come to Pittsburgh or people want to do a video thing there you should see if they are available. Jonas came back on Monday evening. It's so good to have him back. He took some beautiful footage of the filmmakers in London and of Paris. You will have to get him to show it to you one day when you come to N.Y.C. Right now he has a terrible cold, but he seems to be getting better. Take care, my friend, the day you called I was reading the paper, Avery Fisher had given his 10 millions to Philarmonic hall, it was a wonderful story and I was thinking of you and your dream of Easter Eggs and had a wistful vision that an Avery Fisher might happen to independent films...
P. S. am also enclosing Karen's newsletter. She's getting a lot of good coverage from the Times. I'll ask her to put you on the mailing list so that you will know what she's doing... Peace and Light. H.