OESTERREICHISCHES FILMMUSEUM March 3o, 1971 Dear Sally, my film MONUMENT FOR THE OLD WORLD has to grow still another year at least. But it would he a good demonstration for my thesis that film can he as good as any other art, as I have told in my lecture at the Carnegie, if you would repeat one of my films in your program. My work needs re-viewings, hut it will reward you. time to spare. You can rent from the Ny or the Canyon Coop. Let me know want happens. Send your program please. How are the chances for the construction of a real cinema in Pittsburgh? Any news? I would he very happy if Mike Chikiris would send me some of the photos he took of me at the opening in the cinema. He is a good artist and a good human being. Please give him my regards. Please greet all Pittsburgh friends. Iam thinking well of you all. Take the 1 minute SCHWECHATER if you have little CURATOREN: PETER KONLECHNER UND PETER KUBELKA MITGLIED DER FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ARCHIVES DU FILM (F.I.A.F.) AUGUSTINERSTRASSE 1, 1010 WIEN TELEPHON: 52 34 26 TELEGRAMME: FILMMUSEUM WIEN BANKVERBINDUNG: CREDITANSTALT-BANKVEREIN, WIEN, KONTO 50-27396