Museum of Art Carnegie Institute 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (412) 621-7300 June 17, 1969 Mr. Karl Katz, Director Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10028 Dear Mr. Katz: I am investigating the possibility of a film (as an art form; program here at Carnegie Institute and would very much like to know what your program consists of, your yearly budget for it, and how you set it up-source of films, lecturers if any, size of theater and audiences, how you handle admission charges, and whether you use program notes. Also, I would like to know what kind of projector and sound system you use, and if you publicize, how and where, etc. I look forward to hearing how you handle these various aspects and would greatly appreciate any other information you might think useful to us. Thank you so much. Sincerely, SFD:cs Leon Anthony Arkus director Dear Mirs Dixon: The world is small, here I am again. Karl Katz is a very good man, and he is all for the avantgarde film-maker. But the Jewish Museum is an old institution governed by bearded respect able old people (and some young ones) • When The Cinematheque theater at 80 Wooster was closed, I asked Karl Katz to give us one eveing at the Museum, and he put a good fight to persuade the beards that we deserve it. Thatnks to Karl Katz we have screenings every Tuesday at the J.Museum. But we are paying $60,- per every screening, for rent on space and for the guards who have to work late hours on those evenings. The programs themselves cost us between 50 -80 bucks per show in rentals. I project the films myself, or I have somebody to help me, and I answer questions after every show. That's about it. In short: The Avant-.garde film-maker has to pAY his way in... Sally F. Dixon (Mrs.) P.S. The auditorium? We are using one empty large room. We have 100 chairs, but we seldom have more then 4o/ people. We have small screen or one end, Bell and Howell projector on other (all equipment belongs to the Cinematheque). We also collect $1.50 from every customer ($l.00 from members of the Museum). The programs are announced in the monthly Museum calendars and no small Ad in the Village Voice.