Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon
30 Dec 72
Dear Sally:
Happy New Year!
I have been working on the lectures, and I think they are going to be fine. (I hope enough people will want to hear them/& see them too.) Actually they are becoming a series of essays on my autobiography in film. It's a little hard this far ahead to know exactly how many films besides my own I will be able to include. I enclose a tentative lineup of how I visualize the event.
Robert Nelson tells me that the man who brought him to California State College in California, Penn is named Brian Row — in the Art Dept. If this place is not far distant from Pittsburgh, might it be possible for me to get a daytime booking there during my Pittsburgh week?
Otherwise over all I will have few free evenings open. Necessarily my schedule has to be a bit tight, since I should fly back to California on Sunday, March 18th.
It goes like this: I can leave San Francisco Wednesday (Ash) March 7. I have a lecture-showing now scheduled for March 8 in Winston-Salem, N.C.! This leaves the evenings of Mar 9,
10, 11 and, at the end, Mar 17. What else may prove available in your neighborhood? How are the folks at Indiana? Any word from Richard Myers? Does anything give with Philadelphia? Bob Nelson said the best audience he had there was at Moore College of Art (and the program director was named Dianne Vanderlip). I don't want to be greedy, but it will surely help to pick up what extra money I can.
(Note: if you find you can't signup enough students for the 5 evenings, I will come east anyway and spend a few days in Pittsburgh to confer and scout; and hopefully I will be able to get enough play dates in addition to pay for the trip.)
Ideas for the summer project tumble tumultuously in my head.
I am hoping to have some script material to be cast & studied when I come. Still waiting to hear from you about funding.
Now struggling with another application, to AFI.
I hope you had a good holiday season. Gunvor & I were trying to phone you at home yesterday without any luck: I said you must be off skiing or maybe skating.
love to you & best wishes,