SAN FRANCISCO ART INSTITUTE 800 CHESTNUT STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94133 TELEPHONE 771-7020 THE COLLEGE March 4, 1974 Sally Dixon Film Section, Museum of Art Carnegie Institue Piitsburgh Pa 15213 Dear Sally Dixon: On behalf of the Film Department of the San Francisco Art Institute, Gunvor Nelson and I would like to invite you to visit the San Francisco Bay Area and observe what is going on here in independent filmmaking. We would be happy to set up screenings for you of the work of our faculty and our outstanding students, as well as to arrange for you to observe the film activities at San Francisco State University, the Pacific Film Archive, Canyon Cinema, and the College of Arts and Crafts, as well as to meet individual film artists resident in this region. There is a great deal of activity here and many first class artists with whom you may not be familiar. The Art Institute is also the home of Canyon Cinematheque, which is the major continuing weekly showcase for the avant garde. We would also like to arrange for you to meet with some of our classes and tell about your work in Pittsburgh with filmmakers. Let us know when you can come, so that we can prepare a schedule. James Broughton Department of Filmmaking Yours very sincerely,