Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon
P.O. BOX 183 • MILL VALLEY • CALIFORNIA 94941 • (415) 388-8676 • 383-0657
31 May 72
dear Sally,
I was going to send the postcard back. But that seemed too cut & dried, something that would just xxxxxxxx x be filed away somewhere, & maybe forgotten. I hope you will show DREAMWOOD at some future time. I really can't go on until I get some funding somewhere, I'm so in debt. Have had to shelve my Testament project. I am glad to hear you have an editing setup for stopover persons. But I am disappointed: I had been truly dreaming of coming to really make a whole film there, a dramatic film, using all the Pittsburgh resources : all the lovely talented people there... Like it was my dream of the ideal Hollywood!
Of course it was too much to expect. But it saddens me that this deflation means that I shall probably not be seeing you as soon again as I had hoped. I really wish that all is going superlatively well with you, in your beautiful life. ~ Yours, with love,