Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon (2/21/1973)

feb 21, 1973
X Film, Schofill The Andalusian Dog, Bunuel Blood of a Poet, Cocteau
It would be nice, as well, to have^
Film Exercise 4 or 5, John & James Whitney Bells of Atlantis, Ian Hugo- 3
but I am aware that we cannot book too much, can't afford it.
And I am willing to make do with a minimum program, concentrating on/ my own works. But still, we promised them some amplifications.
I would, also, I forgot, like to have +Entr'acte, Clair - 3
0 Dreamland, Lindsay Anderson
dear Sally,
Films that I would like to have to show, subsidiary to my own collection, are :
Ritual in Transfigured Time, Deren-1 Grove Press
The Lead Shoes, Peterson-2 " "
I hate to have any of this come out of my own fee. And I don't want to burden you. I have thus marked the essential films with *.
Footnote: I am thinking of bringing along footage of my film in progress. Not only to, perhaps, show excerpts of it, but also thinking of the possibility of doing some editing while there on the Steenbeck; is that not possible?
All right, sweetheart, further details—like travel arrivals & such—as the date nears. All is It, and It is All. Xaipe! Love,
NY Coop
Sausalito, Stauffacher -1 MOMA or Film Images/Radim
Fireworks, Anger-2 Filmmakers Coop, N.Y.
On the Edge, Harrington-,2 MOMA, or Audio
Neighbors, Buster Keaton-2 Audio
Loving, Brakhage - 3 NY Coop
Prelude, Dog Star Man-4 (yours?)
To Parsifal, Baillie "
Tung, Baillie "
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