33 Orton Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 September 3, 1989 Dear Bill, How are you doing? It's been years since we've seen each other. Thought I'd write you since I just finished a 40 minute film, MACHETE GILLETTE. . .MAMA, whcih I filmed in the Dominican Republic It's a new type of subject matter for me, though related in
style to the two shorter (15mi) films I did prior-- MNEMOSYNE MOTHER OF MUSES and THE RED THREAD. Have done a lot of work since we last connected-- completed the "Elective Affinities" cycle, and did a couple of collaborative films before getting into the stylistically more rapid-fire films mentioned before. I'm trying to figure out my life next semester. There are some possibilities of European festivals, and if something materializes I may take the spring semester off. In any case, I've been invited to the Chicago Art Institute, and am trying to schedule that in early February to allow for early Spring in Europe should that be possible. In any case I could take a few weeks off for a midwest tour ( I haven't been touring with my films for years) so thought I'd write to see if anything might be possible at the Carnegie as well as at Pittsburgh filmmakers (haven't been in touch with them and don't know if they are still operating.) Please let me know if anything seems possible, and I'd be glad to send more material. I'm exciting about this recent work and want to get the films out. In any case, hope you are well. Very best wishes, Larry Gottheim