ACTS OF PERCEPTION 4 sessions $40- max:30 min:15
A workshop course to englarge sensory awareness relevant to work with film. Movement, breathing, visual exercises, discussion. How do you what effects you, what do you care about as imagery, what is an image? Each individuals particular organism as a unit with camera; energy, concentration, experience of space and time. Considerations of frame time, rhythm, structure, gesture, duration, action, color, texture as separate elements and in juxtaposition. The relationship of personal necessity to technique. And some specials problems women my have with technologies.
6 July 73
Dear Sally:
Your letter has just been brought to me by hand. The above is a condensation of five or six cosmic streamingfans — I'm afraid that an expansion would take me another week — I seem to struggle jamming erperience into little words just now, so p erhaps it can do as both a longer and a shorter c ourse description. Luckily you left out "see the enclosed Broughton material”!
I enclose a glossy of the ice skating and like your idea to use it with your own copy. Any possibility of making two negatives of it?— in the switch of files my negative has disappeared.
I’m rushing with this because of your holiday coming so soon but do write again if there is time and necessity to expand, change or clarify any of this.
I’ll be here in the country until the 20th of August when I go to the symposium in Sweden — back by 20th of Sept.
Have a lovely summer.