Peter Kubelka CESTERREICHISCHES FILMMUSEUM 20.XI.1976 Bill Judson Carnegie Institute Film Section, Museum of Art 4400 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 Dear Bill Judson, I am now finishing my film MONUMENT FOR THE OLD WORLD. This film is the first I am releasing since UNSERE AFRIKAREISE in 1966. It has become the fullest realisation of my concept of cinema so far. MONUMENT FOR THE OLD WORLD will be first shown on the last of eight evenings of projections of my work, their analysis and lectures on the ESSENCE of CINEMA, which I will give at the Museum of Modern Art of New York between January 15 and January 29, 1977. I would very much like to celebrate the birth of this film by presenting it to the old friends of my work and by attempting to win new ones. I will be doing presentations between February 1 and March 31, 1977: 1) A two days appearance consisting of an evening show for a general public, containing my complete works and the premiere of MONUMENT FOR THE OLD WORLD, followed by a general presentation of my cinematographic concept. On the next day I would like to give an analysis of my new work for those who are more thoroughly interested, filmmakers, students, etc. This second session will include several projections of the new work and provide the opportunity for discussion. 2) A one week course on my work with special emphasis on MONUMENT FOR THE OLD WORLD. This course will also start with an evening premiere for the general public as I have described above. On the following days there will be projections and analysis of all of my films but I will especially concentrate on new results obtained with MONUMENT FOR THE OLD WORLD. This course would be interesting not only for filmstudents but for everybody interested in the development of human communication. Please let me know at your early convenience if you are interested in organizing a presentation of my new work, under which condition and when you would like to schedule. With best regards Peter Kubelka CURATOREN: PETER KONLECHNER UND PETER KUBELKA MITGLIED DER FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ARCHIVES DU FILM (F.I.A.F.) AUGUSTINERSTRASSE 1, 1010 WIEN TELEPHON: 52 34 26, 52 62 06 TELEGRAMME: FILMMUSEUM WIEN BANKVERBINDUNG: CREDIT ANSTALT^BANKVEREIN, WIEN, KONTO 50-27396