Letter from Bill Judson to James Broughton
P.0. Box 183
Mill Valley, Ca. 94941
Feb. 16, 1978
Dear James:
What a great pleasure it was to have you and Joel here in December!! We, of course, are now engaged in "crunches” (energy) and "crises" (w e a t h e r) of all sorts — but we hear of other places as well;
I hope the rains have not made it necessary to raise a mast on your Windowmobile. (Voluntarily is another matter).
Bart of the endless process of midwifery in which I seem to be engaged involves a continuing attempt to get caught up (with the past, that is). We have just been bringing the official museum "accession cards" up to date, and discovered that some time ago we "accessioned" a non-existant "untitled" film by you — a confusion stemming from a grant to you via us (Sally; from Alfred Hunt, What was NOT accessioned, however, was a used print of THE BED, which I understand was a gift from, you during that same period, although I have run across no official (again) acknowledgement. So, officially, please accept our gratitude for that gift. And...
In fact we still screen the film to small groups of students, etc. here in the office, and its irreverent reverence continues to get 'em. Some day when funding permits it would be good to replace the print, but it the meantime I pass on the thanks that truly count — from those who have seen the film.
I just saw Carmen Vigil in NYC, which further fueled my intentions to some day soon come see first hand (eye) the Calif. Perhaps this year... Meanwhile, I hope you are both well and thriving.
Best regards,
Bill Judson