Letter from Sally Dixon to Joyce Wieland (3/20/1972)

March 20, 1972
Joyce Wieland 832 Yonge Street Toronto 285, Canada
Dear Joyce:
What a great pleasure it was, meeting you at last! I enjoyed every minute of your visit in Pittsburgh and am so glad you brought Donna along, an interesting and vital person - greet her for me and for goodness sake nag her a lot about getting going.
Joyce, so much of your work, really your sensibilities, your way of seeing has triggered new considerations in me, as well as reafinning aid - the experience of having met a "like mind", a friend, and I am most grateful -it is rare!
I trust you felt better by the time you got home.
Return soon to Pittsburgh. I would love to share more friends with you here, and talk and talk and talk --------- etc.!
Most sincerely,
Sally F. Dixon Curator, Film Section
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