June 26, 1973
Carolee Schneemann 114 West 29th Street New York, N.Y. 10001
Dear Carolee:
I’m delighted! The 28th of November then is set for here at the museum. You can show a selection of your films, slides and tapes followed by questions and answers as you did for Gerry O’Grady.
I would suggest that 2 hours of screening has in the past sealed optimum for our audience and would leave ample time for discussion, however if you can be flexible we can let it seek its own level.
Then the workshop deinitely wants you to do a workshop there as a parenthesis around the screening here at the museum. November 2b & 27, 29 & 30 would be the dates for that.
Would you please work up a course description, a paragraphs worth for longer p.r. stuff, plus a condensed version to be printed on our schedule. See enclosed Broughton material.
I’ve looked at all of the pictures we have and the best to our eye for our purpose is I think, the ice skating one used for a reading from Parts of a Body House Book but the contrast is so muddy, we wonder if you have a glossy of it and could we then, if you approve replace the words, "a reading from Parts of a Body House Book” with the workshop title for that hand-out and/or presentation information for our museum poster. Let me know how you feel about this.
To confirm our conversation we pay a $500. honorarium out of which must come your travel and lodging - you are welcome to "lodge” at my house however and save on that aspect.
Call when you emerge from the country if you want to discuss the workshop/ museum screening, etc.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Most sincerely,
Sally F. Dixon Curator, Film Section