"On Creative Liberation”. The Front Line Troopers, ed. J. Haynes and PasI e-Green. Grove Press. Scheduled for Winter, 1973,
"When No One Was Looking". Book of the Goat. ilius. Beau Oeste Press Devon, U.K. October, 1972
Parts of a 3ody House Book, (hand made edition of seventy five; illus.) Beau Geste Press, Devon, U.K. January, 1972
"Vision is not a Pact" (interviews) Expanded Cinema Gene Youngblood. Dutton Press. 1970. (illus.) ~
"Concerning "Meat Joy’". Mirrors For Man. ed. Ashley. Winthrop. September, 1971.
"Recollections of New York". National Film Theater Expanded Cinema Journal. London, November 1970.
"Kenneth Anger's "Scorpio Rising"'. Film Culture Reader. Praeger. October, 1970
"Notations". Catepillar Anthology. Doubleday. August, 1971
"Banana Hands". Plays for Children to Direct. Heineman. London, 1970.
"Notations". Catepillar 8/9 ed. Clayton Eshleman. October, 1969.
"Parts of a Body House". Fantastic Architecture. Something Else Press. New York. Spring, 1969
"Parts of a Body House". Catep iI Iar 3/4. ed. Eshleman. January, 1968
"Snows" (Notes and Scenerio). I-Kon ed, S. Sherman, vol. I no. 5 March, 1968
"Stills From Fuses". Catepillar 2. ed. Eshleman. January, 1968
"Divisions and Rubble". Manipulations. Judson Publications. October, 1967
"Meat Joy and Notes on Process". Theater Experiment. Doubleday. 1967
"Second Thermocouple Scenerio" (with James Tenney) . Something. New York. 1966
"Meat Joy Scenerio". Something, ed. J. Rothenberg. New York. 1955
"Kenneth Anger's "Scorpio Rising'". Film Culture, ed. J. Mekas # 32. 1964
"Hormones Circling" (from The Notebooks). Matter, ed. Robert Kelly. 1963
Gallery House, London, Survey of Experiments Fall, 1972
Kolnischer Kunstverein, Koln. Happenings & Fluxus Auto-Documentation.
Schneemann Auto-Activation Env i ronment. November, 1970
Documenta, Kassel. Action-Concept-Nature. 1972
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
Drawings for Happenings. 1968
Something Else Gallery, New York. Object in Process.1968
Castelli Gallery, New York. Drawing Show. 1966
Van de Bovenkamp Gallery, New York. Objects by
Five 1965
The American Center, Paris. Festival of Free Expression. 1964
Mink Paws Turret. New York "Sale" Living/Working Exhibition 1964
10/4 Gallery "A Wonder Wall" 1964
Mink Paws Turret. New York. Retrospective. 1963
Brata Drawings
Lawrence bl lege Gallery. Wisconsin. Solo Exhibit 1959 Philadelphia Art Allaince. Graphics Award Exhibit 1958
Cassandra Foundation Grant January, 1970
Croton Press Writing Grant 1969 and 1970
New York State Council on the Arts — Intermedia 1968
Bard College Tuition Grants
Benedict Arnold Foundation (Walter Gutman)
Performance Grant 1964