Letter from Sally Dixon to James Broughton
September 21, 1971
Mr. James Broughton P.0. Box 183
Mill Valley, California 94941 DearkJames Broughton:
Thank you for your kind letter with info. on your new book. I have ordered a copy of both books listed and passed the info. on to our book stores here.
How fortunate that you must be in N.Y. for Anthology meetings. It always hurts me too, to have to use the $500. on travel. Time/money - wise, good in all ways.
Stan is here now for two weeks, he’s already shot one film.- Sexual Meditations #2, and this morning is filming an autopsy at the County Coroners work room (or whatever it’s called!) next week he starts riding with a reporter and photographer for our local daily newspaper. The city through the eyes of the newspaper as it were.
We are saying, in the evenings when we come together, that it is a pity you aren’t coming this month so that Stan could have a visit with you too.
I look forward so eagerly to having you here.
My best to you till then.