Bill Judson, Curator Film Section, Museum of Art Forbes Avenue , Carnegie Institute Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 Dear Bill, Thank you so very much For your help over the last Few weeks with phone calls and recommendations to Susan Wyatt and John Hanhardt. I just want you to know that I really appreciate the fact that after all these years I can still ask you for a good word. It seems more difficult than ever to distribute a new film, and so your speaking on my behalf really does count. My life has been prttey turbulent over the last four years with all the bouncing back and forth across the country, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, San Francisco, and now New York. I often wonder whethter or not I should have stayed planted in Pittsburgh, and whether or not I could have blossomed more fully there, as a filmmaker, a teacher, an artist. Perhaps I could have contributed in some significant way to the film culture of Pittsburgh? I'm sure that I am capable of it. But so much moving around and emotional unsettledness as well has surely prevented me from being as productive as I really want to be. Somehow I am reminded of the time when I was an undergraduate and you gave me a "B" instead of an "A" that I wanted on the film The American Mutoscope Company. You were right. The film was not as interesting as it could have been, and I had not worked as hard on it as I could have. At the time my "good excuse" was a certain Mr. Gaylor! Well, I quess we don't really change that much when we get older, but hopefully we learn to recogise ourselves, our patterns more clearly. Anyway, if you have time, next visit to the big apple, please give me a call and let's get together. Sincerely Yours,