Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon
P.O. BOX 183 • MILL VALLEY • CALIFORNIA 94941 • (415) 388-8676 • 383-0657
Dec 14/71
Sally Dixon Museum of Art Carnegie Institute Pittsburgh, Penna 15213
Dear dear Sally:
how often I think of you, remember the intensity the joy the wonder of my too brief visit with you. Pittsburgh occupies now a magic: place in my memory, in my hopes for the future, in the irreplacable nonsense of all time.
I mean: I would hope very much to be able to return. And thus therefore & so I do anticipate receiving the letter inviting me to submit proposal for a workshop class....!
I enclose brochure made up for Canyon Cinema catalog. DREAMWOOD is being revised at the moment. I am hopeful of having print for Ann Arbor in Feb. Whitney Museum
has asked for N.Y. showing in April. There ought to
be a Carnegie unveiling somewhere along the line.
One of my students at San Francisco State College gave me clipping from the Pittsburgh Press: nice writeup by Maggie Patterson,.terrifying photo by MikeChikiris: one of the most ghastly pictures of me ever taken. I can't believe I did look like that while I was there. Is that why you didn't send this clipping to me? Apparently Mike saw me as some kind of spook all right. You might remind him that I am really Samuel Johnson!
Every possible camel-laden glory to you for Christmastime, with so much affection & happy wishing,