Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon
July 25, 1973
Feast of St James
dearest Sally,
I am finally able to send the money advanced by the Film Section for my flight back from Pittsburgh to San Francisco last March. My extreme apologies that it should have taken this long.
Denise Jacobson told me in Seattle, when I was jurying the Belleveue Festival, that you were then taking off for tramping or camping about Europa, with or without bull. I think of you so very often. This summer for me has been something of a standstill. Are we going to make poetry together, and music too? The urgent really urgent question would be: is there a camera magician in your neighborhood who would want to work with me? This is the key to the matter, in
the long run. I hope sometime during fall or winter I can get to Pittsburgh for another sounding operation.
So very much love, wherever you may be hiding or abiding.