Letter from Brady Lewis to Joel Singer (7/12/1977)

P. O. BOX 7200, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 1 B21 3 41 2 - 6*1 -5449
July 12, 1977
Joel Singer r.O. Box133
Mill Valley, California 94941 Dear Joel Singer,
Brady Lewis
Screening Room Manager
BL: dk
We have seen several of your films here already (both in Carmen Vigil's program at Carnegie Institute and in Jamess Broughton's show here last year) and we have committed ourselves to other film-makers for the remainder of the year. In light of this, while we cannot offer you our standard $100 honorarium, we can offer you the gate receipts for a show on any nonday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday in late November or early December. Admission to our programs is
$1.50 and it would be difficult for me to predict the rate receipts other than to say it will be somewhere between $15 and $90. If you have the time and inclination to show your work (we are especially anxious to see your new films) under these circumstances, we would be very pleased.
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