Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon
Jan 19/1973
I am going out of my mind waiting to have some word from you. Is there going to be any batch of lectures in March?
Should we trim it down to a single performance?
Are there any other dates opening for me?
Is there any hope for the summer?
Any source of funds?
Any cheerful news?
Whatever results there with you, I am definitely going to come east in that time in March. Therefore, it becomes urgent to know whether I should set about on my own to try to set up lecture dates around a visit to Pittsburgh, supposing that the lecture series flops. Time is getting short.
Finishing the lectures, as well as working out some basic script for summer, before I come east is part of my concern & responsibility. Thus I am anxious to know whether to keep at it.
I am fully aware of the fact that you are very busy. The program itselfx tells me that. But, please, a little light? I am so far away. Send a postcard anyway.
I had a letter from Dan Ochiva (which I have momentarily misplaced). I haven't answered, because I didn't know whether it was apt.
Yours devotedly,