JAMES BROUGHTON • BOX 183 • MILL VALLEY • CALIFORNIA • 94942 3 March 1983 (415) 883-2046 Dear Bill: 0 how the years pass! and I don't get eastward as often any more. Scant chance thus to greet old friends and rekindle convivialities. But I want to try at the end of this year, I want to manage a tour Atlanticward, and maybe you can help to bring it about. The passing years keep adding age to one, and next November 1 shall (amazingly enough) be hitting 70. It seemed a good excuse to attempt a celebrational excursion. So I would like to come east in latish November and remain into the middle of December. What chance would there be for a show with you? It suddenly occurs to me: wasn't it that time of year that Joel & I came last to Pittsburgh? We have that handsome poster of the two of us, a special souvenir. And Gaylor was still there then... Well, we are completing a new (& major) film in time for the coming summer. So there will be different things to show. Let me know what your situation is there in these times. And of course how you are keeping. I hope you are blessed with only fascinating irritations. Much love from both of us,