Museum of Art Carnegie Institute 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (412) 622-3212 Jonas Mekas Anthology Films Archives 80 Wooster St. New York, N.Y. 10012 Dear Jonas, We are about to publish and update our Supplement to the Travel Sheet. As you probably are aware it contains a list of independent filmmakers across the country and abroad, their addresses, and the institutions concerned with their works. However, in the quest to be correct and thorough, we find many of our addresses are outdated or incorrect, and we also find that we do not have several people that should be on it. Although it is hard to keep a filmmaker in one place for any amount of time, I was wondering if you have any list of filmmaker’s addresses and insitutions pertinent to the Supplement that we could recieve. I hope that you can help us in some way, and if possible it would be a great help if you could also give the date of the respective addresses since we will probably have several for many filmmakers. Thank you Sam Choi Curatorial Assistant Film Section Dear SC: Between Anthology Film Archives and Film-Makers' Cooperative, we have addresses of over 500 working filmmakers. It's too big a job to send you all the audresses.The only way we can help you or assist you is in the following way: ask as a question about a specififc film-maker — and we'll give you a specific answer (info) on that specific film-maker. Can not be done abstractly & generally. Best, Leon Anthony Arkus director Jonas