FILM SECTION immediate release INDEPENDENT FILMMAKER MIKE KUCHAR will present a retrospective of His works from the sixties as well as recent work, Tuesday, February 23, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. in the Museum of Art Theater, Carnegie Institute. Admission $1.00 As teenagers in the late 50's, Mike and his twin brother George began making hilarious parodies of the Hollywood movies shown in their local Bronx theaters. Since then, each has developed in his own direction, though the roots are still visible. ...— Included in theiprogramm are: LIGHT SKETCHES (1967), DIDGERIDOO (1972), THE MASK OF VALHALLA (1977), WARF STAR (1977), SINS OF THE FLESHAPOIDS (1966), and TALES OF THE BRONX (1968). TALES OF THE BRONX was filmed in the borough where Edgar Allen Poe lived and where can be found the biggest zoo on the West Coast. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE FILM SECTION: 622-3212