Letter from James Broughton to Sally Dixon
Mar 23/73
dearest Sally,
I flew homeward in trailing clouds of glory & exhilaration.
It was a beautiful time there with you, a memorable week, a glowing experience. I can only function in an atmosphere of feeling and lovingness, I can only take a path that has heart. The ambience was so warm in Pittsburgh that I felt great sadness too in leaving. I hope it was for you as much an experience of friendship-mating as it was for me. Thank you for your glorious hospitality and endless thoughtfulness, and especially for your responsive sharing.
Returning home, however, was a thud back into what is usually called reality. A host of difficulties, various slings and arrows, and considerable letdown. Matters are in more than a muddle; they are definitely critical. The news on my wife's shop is disastrous. She will have to liquidate as soon as possible, and we will have to cope with the indebtednesses.
This plus the loss of her income has us momentarily panicked.
I find myself casting about to see what extra work I can do right away to tide us over. It is thousands of dollars.
On top of this, of course, I plunged heavily back into the demands of the school scene: term papers, committees, and class projects. At the moment I can unfortunately have time for nothing else to think about but all these duties.
So I don't know what to say about filmmaking projects. I can't really think clearly at the moment. But my feeling is not very reassured. Let me write you again when the smoke clears a bit. This letter was mainly to tell you how much I loved being there and giving the seminar, and how joyful the many associations made me. And I want to thank you with exuberant heart for all you did and for being you.
Please give my warmest warm greetings to Schen and to Bob and to Dan, and to any of the other lovely people who may be about. Blessings widespread and affection unreined!