June 1, 1973
Carolee Schneemann 114 West 29th Street New York, N.Y. 10001
Dear Carolee:
All of your courses sound interesting and fruitful, not Just time-spenders. The most appropriate for our workshop situation would be, I think, the "Acts of Perception” one.
Why don’t you think towards doing it in early November.
Consider how and how long the course should be, how many students you can handle well, how much you want to charge, etc. What kind of space/materials will you need? Any previous experience necessary...
Write up a brief course description (after checking facts with me) to be printed on our schedule plus an expanded one for additional circulation -include a picture (insti-print reproducible to use with the second.
I’m enclosing last springs listing for you to see, and Bruce Conner is teaching an editing workshop October 8 - 12, $35. persstudent, max. 15.
We have found that the lower the fee the greater the response (of course), and to a point, more students is more exciting.
I will try to get you additional screenings or courses in other out-lying schools while you’re here as well.
Give me some feedback on all of this, call collect if you want to talk about it. I'm not scheduled to be in N.Y. again now until fall but will let you know if and when before then and in the meantime will order Fuses. Please send a phone no.
Enjoy the spring.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sally F. Dixon (dictated by Ms. Dixon but signed in her absence)
Curator, Film Section