Peter Kubelka 425 Greenwich, Apt 5 San Francisco, Cal. 94133 Dear Sally, this is to tell you, that I have now after years of trying and great expenses been for the first time able to recover the colors of UKSERE AFRIKAREISE. To recover the cost I will have to sell a number of prints. (Although I am in principle very hesitant to do so and have,except to Anthology,not sold my films.) If you want to buy my work,here is now the opportunity. xxxx Conditions: Prints can be used for teaching purpose only, no public shows.On premises only,no lending out. Must not be resold without my written permission. Prices: MOSAIK IM VERTRAUEN $ 300.00 ADEBAR $ 150.00 SCHWBCHATER $ 200,00 ARNULF RAINER $ 250.00 URSERE AFRIKAREISE $ 550.00 $1450.00 I am teaching here at San Francisco State University until Mid-December and will then be in Knokke. Are you going? Would like to exchange some words again with you sometime. Best Regards Peter Kubelka