Letter from Sally Dixon to James Broughton
November 29, 1972
James Broughton 71 Park Drive
San Anselmo, California 94960 James dear James:
We already have several students for your series March 12-16 and your play does indeed sound intriguing enough in itself to draw an audience.
We’re Jibping at this point for a minimum of 25 students at $25. each - that would be $625.00 and would cover the trip. We haven’t set a cut-off date on it yet, you tell me when you must know. If you want me to book the films, which we will be most happy to do, I would say send your list as soon as you can - we can always cancel if it doesn’t work out! But, you want to be sure to get the ones you want and need. Then you can pay us when the students pay you.
I will suggest a screening to Richard Myers at Kent State and you should ask Bob Nelson who brought him to California State Teachers College just 20 minutes or so from Pittsburgh and we’ll try for Indiana State Teachers College in Indiana, Pa. Stan Brakhage showed his work there last year.
I wrote a glowing, ever poetic recommendation for Mr. Guggenheim,if he believes me (and it’s all true), you should have another Fellowship.
Yes, send me a list by all means of the personell you willnneed for the big film.
James dear, I hope this all works - it can’t be only a dream!
Love to you,
Sally F. Dixon Curator, Film Section