PITTSBURGH FILM-MAKERS INCORPORATED P.O. BOX 7200, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213 4 1 2 - 68 1 -5449 December 15, 1976 Peter Kubelka Oesterreichisches Filmmuseum Augustinerstrasse 1 1010 Wien AUSTRIA Dear Peter Kubelka: Bill Judson has told me about the possibility of you coming to the Museum of Art & mentioned that you might be interested in having a screening here the following day for an in-depth discussion of your work. This is to confirm that we are very interested in such an appearance if it would be possible. We can offer you an honorarium of $100 for the evening program. We can also offer an audience that has seen some of your work before and is interested in avant garde film. I am looking forward to seeing your new film Monument for the Old World. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Haller Executive Director CC: Bill Judson, Brady Lewis