January 13, 1971 Mr. George Kuchar 1793 Sedgewick Ave. Bronx N.Y. 10453 Dear George: I’m so glad you can come to Pittsburgh on March 9. This is to confirm our conversation. We have a $500.00 budget out of which must come your travel and hotel money. The remainder is yours. I’ll send you an open airline ticket and would appreciate it if you could make a reservation to arrive here around 11 in the morning so we can check you into your hotel and have some lunch before Donald Miller from the Pittsburgh Press comes to see a sample film and talk with you at one. Dinner is at my house and back to the Lecture Hall at 8:30. An hour a half’s worth of film is good, then as much talk (before, after, during or all if you wish) as you want - you set the pace, it’s your evening. Usually but not necessarily we go back to my house afterwards where we look at more film and/or talk if you feel like it. Home the next morning unless you want to stay and film or just stay - It’s nice here! We would love to have you. If you want to film something which we will need permission for let me know and I'll do what I can. What I'll need from you is the following: 1. - photograph of yourself 2. - still from your films 3. - biography 4. - list of films you will show here, times and B&W or Color 5. - any other pertinent written material We really need these as quickly as possible though I’m sorry to rush you. I’m so very glad you can come and look forward to meeting you then. Most Sincerely, Sally F. Dixon Film Coordinator SFD:reg